The enemies are the emergence of herecies that are already defeated
Reflection on what the future of the church in our Latin American continent is and the challenge for us today.
It is useful to approach the question from a perspective that is closer to the various geographical and cultural contexts in which we find ourselves working.
The question is how did this denomination arrive at this present juncture today? The clear answer is doctrinal misdirection based most likely on pragmatic considerations of the day.
As God does not change, the foundational moral values He has given do not change. However, the changing times give us the responsibility to seek His discernment on present issues and challenges.
Does the church have any responsibility in the transformation of nations? Is it part of our mission as children of God to fight for a world where there is more justice and peace?
A reflection on the Church’s role amidst challenges to Christian principles and truth in a rapidly changing world.
The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
An open window to the world in which we live and an invitation for us to collectively think, pray, work and make proposals that we consider necessary for the Church.
A critical analysis of how gender ideology, emerging from liquid modernity, threatens identity, family, and the foundations of Judeo-Christian culture and Western civilization.
the future of the Kingdom in relation to the “burden” of the Church. The future of the church in relation to the “burden” of apostolic ministry.
Analysis of the facts concerning COVID and what I believe the Lord is saying to the church and the wider world through the church.
Abruptly there has been a change in humanity. And this change is global. The sooner we understand it, the better we will adapt to the post-pandemic world.
How I view Covid-19 crisis, implications for the Church, and some practical applications for the local Pastor
Like you, naturally I too have asked myself questions. My reflections have been particularly drawn to the question of “responsibility/ies”. Should the stumbling-block of evil, and of this tragedy in particular, as with other even worse episodes in the past, be attributed to God, the devil or mankind?